General Excellence – Local Lodge
First Place: Local Lodge 66 – Badger Lodge News
Editor: Jon Zancanaro
Solid monthly product. Great writing, good photos, a good mix of local and national news, and a solid, reliable resource for union members.
Second Place: Local Lodge 701 – Mechanics’ Local 701 News and Views
Editors: Mark Grasseschi, Sam Cicinelli, Bob Lessman
Great bi-annual newsletter, excellent writing, and valuable information for active and retired members. Excellent overall.
Third Place: Local Lodge 1725 – Victory News
Editor: Gary Winchester
Relevant content, good photo mix, decent writing, and an eye-catching front-page.
Honorable Mention: Local Lodge 1746 – Insight
Editor: Joe Durette
Professional appearance and writing, member history focus, and great photos. Text ratio is substantial.
General Excellence – District Lodge
First Place: District Lodge 751 – Aero Mechanic
Editor: Connie Kelliher
A professional, shining example of what your union does for you on the job and in the community. Photos, text data, and detailed captions for every photo add value.
Second Place: District Lodge 141 – Airmail
Editors: Mike Klemm, Alex Gerulis, Ines Garcia-Keim, Dave Lehive, Eric Price
Excellent layout, solid content, excellent photos, member focus, and valuable organizing resources.
Third Place: District Lodge 142 – The Observer
Editor: Dave Supplee
Outstanding photos, convention focus, eye-pleasing, and a solid organizing resource.
Honorable Mention: District Lodge 54 – District 54’s E-Newsletter
Editor: Regina Wright
Eye-catching, organizing focus, excellent writing, awareness of history, and smart use of white space.
Best Feature – Local Lodge
First Place: Local Lodge 66 – Badger Lodge News
Editor: Jon Zancanaro
The well-written story of a four-part series of member experiences, taking advantage of an important union benefit. Excellent use of quotes and an honest appraisal of challenges and rewards.
Second Place: Local Lodge 2202 – The Word
Editor: Felicia McDaneld
Brings to light an important topic for unions and union members. Smartly written.
Third Place: Local Lodge 1260 – Tri-City Sounder
Editor: Sue Bonnett
Good topic.
Best Feature – District Lodge
First Place – District Lodge 751 – Aero Mechanic
Editor: Connie Kelliher
A compelling tale of a union workplace adapting to a deaf co-worker. Great photos, quotes, and an inspiring story for all union members.
Second Place: District Lodge 141 – Airmail
Editors: Mike Klemm, Alex Gerulis, Ines Garcia-Keim, Dave Lehive, Eric Price
Compelling blow-by-blow story of an idea that became a reality.
Third Place: District Lodge 70 – Staying Connected
Editor: Scott Gardner
The union struggle gets well-deserved attention.
Best Layout and Design – Local Lodge
First Place: Local Lodge 1725 – Victory News
Editor: Gary Winchester
Excellent front-page with good use of white space throughout. Continues a worthy history.
Second Place: Local Lodge 701– Mechanics’ Local 701 News and Views
Editors: Mark Grasseschi, Sam Cicinelli, Bob Lessman
Continues a tradition of excellence. Excellent member photos and an organizing asset.
Third Place: Local Lodge 66 – Badger Lodge News
Editor: Jon Zancanaro
Professional appearance. Every page is a winner with quality photos.
Honorable Mention: Local Lodge 2003 – 2003 Shop Talk
Editor: Dusty Cooper
Unique layout, eye-friendly and keeps focus on important issues.
Best Layout and Design – District Lodge
First Place: District Lodge 751 – Aero Mechanic
Editor: Connie Kelliher
It takes advantage of every inch. Photos add to every article. Every page promotes union pride.
Second Place: District Lodge 141 – Airmail
Editors: Mike Klemm, Alex Gerulis, Ines Garcia-Keim, Dave Lehive, Eric Price
Every page is a winner. Smart use of white space and headlines do the job.
Third Place: District Lodge 70 – Staying Connected
Editor: Scott Gardner
Great magazine, format, colors, and graphics make for easy readability. Front-page photos are first-rate.
Honorable Mention: District Lodge 142 – The Observer
Editor: Dave Supplee
Excellent photos and headlines draw the reader in. Continues a valuable tradition.
Honorable Mention: District Lodge 54 – District 54’s E-Newsletter
Editor: Regina Wright
Compelling content with a great front-page banner.
Website General Excellence – Local Lodge
First Place: Local Lodge 1725 –
Editor: Todd Day
Eye pleasing, great content, and smartly organized.
Second Place: Local Lodge
Editors: Walter Emerson, Mark Garsseschi
A relaxed layout and excellent navigation.
Third Place: Local Lodge 463- (Unsecured)
Editor: Layne Johnston
Great page with excellent content.
Honorable Mention 3: Local Lodge T643 –
Editor: Narold “Stephen” Andrieux
Great website, nicely updated news and features retirees.
Honorable Mention 2: Local Lodge 66 –
Editor: Jon Zancanaro
Straight forward resources, easy to navigate, and a welcoming appearance.
Honorable Mention 1: Local Lodge 16 – (Unsecured)
Editor: John Vincent
A great overall site that delivers information quickly.
Website General Excellence – District Lodge
First Place: District Lodge 141 –
Editors: Mike Klemm, Alex Gerulis, Ines Garcia-Keim, Dave Lehive, Eric Price
Welcoming homepage and great layout with clean layout and content.
Second Place: District Lodge 751 –
Editor: Ed Lutgen, Connie Kelliher
Comprehensive and professional. Valuable resources and connects the union with the community.
Third Place: District Lodge 70 –
Editor: Scott Gardner
Easy navigation and eye-pleasing with community resources.
Website Best Layout and Design – Local Lodge
First Place: Local Lodge 463 – (Unsecured)
Editor: Layne Johnston
A unique landing page with well-organized information and smart graphics.
Second Place: Local Lodge 1725 –
Editor: Todd Day
Well designed and current, yet classic website.
Third Place: Local Lodge 869 –
Editor: Benoit Blanchette
Great navigation, easy-to-tackle layout, and bi-lingual.
Website Best Layout and Design – District Lodge
First Place: District Lodge 141 –
Editors: Mike Klemm, Alex Gerulis, Ines Garcia-Keim, Dave Lehive, Eric Price
Professionally designed and welcoming for first-time visitors. Outstanding content.
Second Place: District Lodge751 –
Editor: Ed Lutgen, Connie Kelliher
Excellent, comprehensive, and features rich, reliable information on a welcoming site.
Third Place: District Lodge 837 –
Editor: Dan Forbes
Dynamic layout with great photos and easily searchable.
Social Media – Local Lodge
First Place: Local Lodge 463 –
Editor: Layne Johnston
Great presence and features members and families with great photos.
Second Place: Local Lodge 2202 –
Editors: Mike Mead, Andrea Mondoy-Honaker, Felicia McDaneld
Important resources and sizable reach.
Third Place: Local Lodge 869 –
Editor: Hrvoje Golek
Uses all tools to reach members and has a distinct presence. Bi-lingual.
Social Media – District Lodge
First Place: District Lodge 751 –
Editors: Ed Lutgen, Connie Kelliher
Tons of followers with great photos and videos, and a valuable organizing tool.
Second Place: District Lodge 140 –
Editor: John Vincent
Taking advantage of multiple media to get the message out. Highlights critical issues both in French and English.
Third Place – District Lodge 70 –
Editor: Scott Gardner
Highlights upcoming events with a clean design. Simple yet smart.